It’s about time for another update on sputnik. I have been working hard since the last update on the code as well as on the paper, which isn’t as easy as I hoped it was.

As part of my paper I have to do a small user study to evaluate the project. Soooo,.. if you are a musician, or have a general interest in music or funky images with sound, and happen to be near Copenhagen in mid december, just drop me a line. The study will take place at KUA on monday the 12th of december. Time slots will be available from about 10am till sometime in the evening.

A few more words about sputnik: It is a 3D sound creation/manipulation/exploration system that is controlled via a Wiimote controller. The objects in the scene can be grabbed, dragged and some can also be triggered (like the red samplers for instance). Those objects then send MIDI messages to an external program. In my case this is pd (pure data, where I just have a simple patch doing all the work. But since it is MIDI, any program could be used instead.

I will try to push it a bit further until the user study, so it might differ a little from the video below. If you are interested in participating in the user study please contact me and we will find a time slot for you. I expect about 30 minutes per participant. If you have any other questions, please just contact me.